Life Changer 2023
Jens Wolff provided a design created in Figma and requested changes to certain parts of the website. I made the necessary modifications and ensured that Jens will be completely satisfied with the updated version.
Daily Razor
A request was made by the client for a website redesign for their hosting services. The client’s desire was to have a new look that incorporated colors from their logo.
Surety Bonds
The client had requested a website upgrade with a complete redesign. Although the content remained unchanged, the layout underwent a significant transformation.
Blagojevic Distillery
I was assigned to design a contemporary and appealing online shop for a distillery customer. I exerted my utmost efforts to finish the task and trust that it fulfills their standards.
David Engelsberg
David requested that his previous station should be configured to work with all smart devices. However, I noticed that his website was not well-designed using Elementor, so I had to revamp the entire site.
Minic Logistics LLC
I have a longstanding friendship with Vlad, who asked me to redesign his website after someone else had worked on it before me. He was unsatisfied with the previous work and I stepped in to make sure he was happy with the final result.